Sneak Peeks👀 in Jacko_'s Community

What's in store?

Awesum badges

Pixel who???

I just wanna say that a bit of the section AFTER the one I'm working on has been built. This section has a pretty complex structure however it is a lot smaller than the others.

Another section of 2.0 is almost done, just gotta add a few things and then I can test it!

Third teaser! What do y'all think this is? :)

Here is what the new fangame review is about! It is most definetly releasing today, so why not reveal what it is before it comes out?

Sorry for radio silence on this game for 8 days, progress is going alright. Today I found a good song for the ending theme and I think it fits very well! :)

Found another bug (kill me)

C: (yes this will actually be in 2.0)

Glow up